
This article is a literate Haskell program. Thr complete runnable code with tests is published at thriqon/harky.

Harky is a simple and self-contained parser for Markdown. It interprets the control characters and emits HTML code suitable for the WWW.


Markdown was developed by John Gruber as a plaintext-to-HTML conversion tool. Ordinary plain text files (as produced regularly by coders) containing documentation, blog posts, or whole books are enriched using some control characters that are later parsed by the Markdown processor and translated into their corresponding HTML tags. The whole point of Markdown is that these enriched files have very little formatting overhead and are visually pleasing even in their original version. For example, a headline can be created by underlining it with a line of dashes. At least since the rise of Github and their promotion of a README.md for every project Markdown has become the de facto standard for plain text formatting.

This parser is written in Haskell using the standard libraries. Using Haskell provides the ability to use monads with first-class syntactic support to compose bits of functionality trivially. In the following program, we will define the Parser monad. It can be understood to be just like a marble run. We start with basic building blocks and combine those repeatedly to create something bigger. In the end, when the code is executed, a marble is dropped into the top-level block and it finds its way through the whole construct. The metaphor is limited, though: There will be blocks that run the marble through loops, or through different blocks until one of then succeeds. The possibility of failure is deeply ingrained into monads.

The strength of this 'monadic parsing' is composability. Each building block can be taken and assembled into something even greater. The final Markdown document parser could be used to build a parser for ZIP archives containing Markdown files, for example, without changes. Some of this can be implemented using Perl regular expressions as well, even composition is possible. Nested application of parsers, the possibility to execute arbitrary code during the parsing, and an expressive DSL as executable code however is simpler with this approach.

This file itself serves as the executable Haskell code (using Literate Haskell).

The remainder of the program is structured as follows: First, data structures powering a Markdown document are defined. Afterwards the parsing DSL is created and explained. Using this DSL a concrete parser for Markdown is created. The last chapter is dedicated to emittjng HTML from the data structures. The code to run the program and test cases can be found in the appendix.

Due to technical limitations, options and imported modules have to come first. These options make the compiler treat all warnings as errors, forcing to write clean code. The language extension InstanceSigs allows to write the type signatures in instance declarations. It does not increase the expressiveness of the language, but in the opinion of the author it aids in understanding of the code.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}

This module exports two main methods, one for the 'production' behaviour and one for tests. It is called Main as this is file is directly executable.

module Main (main, testMain) where

We are using a great deal of modules from the standard library here, with the exception of the bytestring package.

import Prelude
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C
import Data.Foldable (asum)

For testing we are using Tasty with SmallCheck and HUnit:

import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.SmallCheck as SC
import Test.Tasty.Golden     as GC
import Test.Tasty.HUnit


As a first step, we will define the data structures comprising a Markdown document. Parsing and emitting is handled separately in later chapters.

The document containing all content is merely a list of Snippets, i.e. top-level objects. These objects are defined below. For debugging purposes it is helpful to automatically derive instances for equality testing and value printing:

newtype Document = Document [Snippet]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

Each of the Snippets can be a different kind of element, for example a headline or a paragraph. In Haskell, this is encoded using sum types:

data Snippet = Headline Int [Chunk]
             | HorizontalLine
             | UnorderedList [[Chunk]]
             | Blockquote [Snippet]
             | Paragraph [Chunk]
  deriving (Show, Eq)

A Chunk is either an unformatted or a formatted piece of text. When shown, they are interspersed with some controlling commands to format the text.

data Chunk = PlainText String
           | StrongEmphasisChunk [Chunk]
           | EmphasisChunk [Chunk]
           | CodeChunk String
           | LinkChunk [Chunk] String
  deriving (Eq, Show)

The Generic Parser

The language Haskell does not offer a built-in parser, but is quite easy to implement a fully functioning parser library using functional features.

The following implementation heavily borrows from the Nanoparsec by Stephen Diehl.

A parser is something that can parse:

newtype Parser a = Parser { parse :: String -> [(a, String)]}

The function defined using record syntax takes a string and returns a list of parsing results combined with the unparsed suffix of the string. It is easier to understand with the accompanying runParser function, or an error message:

runParser :: Parser a -> String -> Either String a
runParser p s = interpret $ parse p s
  where interpret [(result, "")] = Right result
        interpret [(_, s')]       = Left $ "Parser did not consume entire input, leftover is " ++ s'
        interpret _              = Left "General parser error."

This function runs the parser on the given input and makes sure that the entire input is consumed. Any other result is an error. An incomplete parsing may indicate an incomplete structure on the end of the stream and should therefore be considered an error.

The Parser a can be instantiated as a Functor (allowing the use of the mighty fmap):

instance Functor Parser where
  fmap f (Parser p) = Parser p'
    where p' s = [(f a, b) | (a, b) <- p s]

The fmap function generalizes the widely known map operating on lists to mapping over any Functor. In this instance, it provides a parser that first uses the original parser, and then transforms the result, which is returned.

The Parser is also an instance of Applicative. This means - roughly speaking - that contained functions can be applied to parameters:

instance Applicative Parser where
  pure :: a -> Parser a
  pure x = Parser $ \s -> [(x, s)]
  (<*>) :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b 
  (Parser pf) <*> (Parser pa) = Parser $ \s -> [(f a, rs2) | (f, rs1) <- pf s, (a, rs2) <- pa rs1]

The pure function builds a parser that just injects the argument, and does not consume input. It can be used to programmatically simulate parsing of certain tokens without them being present in the stream. The second function allows applying a function contained in a parser transforming the second argument.

The Parser is also a fully-fledged Monad (and later MonadPlus):

instance Monad Parser where
  p >>= f = Parser $ \s -> [r | (a, s') <- parse p s, r <- parse (f a) s']
  return = pure

The first function is the so-called bind function. It combines a parser with a function, and returns a parser that returns the result of the first parser transformed by the second function. It is implicitly used any time we use the do notation in Haskell. Tge return function wraps the given value in a monad and is (here) equivalent to pure.

The strength of 'Monadic Parsing' stems from the possibilities we get by making the Parser an instance of Alternative and MonadPlus. These two type classes do almost the same, but the former is based on the Applicative class while the latter derives from Monad. Both encode the rules and possibilities of operations similar to simple addition.

instance Alternative Parser where
  empty :: Parser a
  empty = Parser $ const []
  (<|>) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
  a <|> b = Parser $ \s -> case parse a s of
    []  -> parse b s
    res -> res

The value returned by empty is expected to be the neutral element with respect to <|>. Additionally, the <|> operation has to fulfill associativity. Thanks to these two conditions the two operations form a monoid. These laws are tested like this:

tgAlternative :: TestTree
tgAlternative = testGroup "Alternative is a monoid"
  [ SC.testProperty "right neutral" (\c -> let s = [c] in runParser (item <|> empty) s == runParser item s)
  , SC.testProperty "left  neutral" (\c -> let s = [c] in runParser (empty <|> item) s == runParser item s)
  , SC.testProperty "associative" (\a -> let s = (a : "") in
      runParser (item <|> (item <|> item)) s == runParser ((item <|> item) <|> item) s)

instance MonadPlus Parser where
  mzero = empty
  mplus a b = Parser $ \s -> parse a s ++ parse b s

The mplus function concatenates the results of two parsers.

Now, we can define the first 'real' parsers. The item parser is very simple: It parses the first character of the given string and returns the remainder unparsed. It is the basis of all other parsers working on characters.

item :: Parser Char
item = Parser charParser
  where charParser (c : cs) = [(c, cs)]
        charParser _ = []

Its behaviour is easy to specify:

tgItem :: TestTree
tgItem = testGroup "item"
  [ SC.testProperty "parses char" $ \c -> runParser item [c] == Right c
  , testDoesNotParse "empty string fails" item ""


Combinators are used to combine or compose different parsers into a new one with added functionality. From these functions stems the expressive power of monadic parsing.

When building parsers for complex structures it is often neccessary to express the notion of repetition. Usually, there are two kinds: Zero to many or One to Many. We will express those two cases with many and some, respectively. They are provided by the standard library in terms of the Alternative instance.

tgSomeMany :: TestTree
tgSomeMany = testGroup "some/many"
  [ testGroup "many"
    [ testParsesAs     "'abc'" (many item) "abc" "abc"
    , testParsesAs     "''"    (many item) ""    ""
  , testGroup "some"
    [ testParsesAs     "'abc'" (some item) "abc" "abc"
    , testDoesNotParse "''"    (some item) ""

Later on, we will need a parser that only accepts characters that fulfil some predicate. We can define satisfy in terms of the above functions. But first, lets specify its behavior:

tgSatisfy :: TestTree
tgSatisfy = testGroup "satisfy"
  [ testDoesNotParse "reject char" (satisfy $ const False) "a"
  , testParsesAs     "accept char" (satisfy $ const True)  "a" 'a'

And this function fulfils that spec:

satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
satisfy p = item >>= withPredicate
  where withPredicate c
          | p c       = pure c
          | otherwise = empty

A combination of satisfy and some is someTill. It uses one parses repeatedly and returns the result as list, but only until the other parser succeeds. This combinator can be used to parse items that are somehow bounded by other tokens, for example quoted strings or comments.

tgSomeTill :: TestTree
tgSomeTill = testGroup "someTill"
  [ testParsesAs "quoted string"       quotedString "\"asd\""              "asd"
  , testDoesNotParse "empty" (someTill item $ char ' ') ""
    where quotedString = char '"' >> someTill item (char '"')

someTill :: Parser a -> Parser boundary -> Parser [a]
someTill a b = liftA2 (:) a scan
  where scan = (b *> pure []) <|> liftA2 (:) a scan

A nice simple combinator that will be useful later on is oneOf. It takes a list of parsers and returns the first positive result:

tgOneOf :: TestTree
tgOneOf = testGroup "oneOf"
  [ testParsesAs     "with pure"  (oneOf [empty, pure 'a', pure 'b']) "" 'a'
  , testDoesNotParse "only empty" (oneOf [empty, empty, empty]) "asd"

The 'implementation' of this function is trivial: There is already a function in the standard library that provides this behavior, namely asum. We can just use this implementation because our Parser is an instance of Alternative.

oneOf :: [Parser a] -> Parser a
oneOf = asum

Some specific character is parsed using the char parser. It only succeeds if the next item is the given character, and fails otherwise.

tgChar :: TestTree
tgChar = testGroup "char"
  [ testParsesAs     "match"    (char 'a') "a" 'a'
  , testDoesNotParse "no match" (char 'a') "b"

char :: Char -> Parser Char
char = satisfy . (==)

On top of char we define string, parsing the given sequence of characters.

tgString :: TestTree
tgString = testGroup "string"
  [ testParsesAs "matching" (string "hi") "hi" "hi"
  , testDoesNotParse "no match" (string "hi") "bye"

The function mapM is similar to map, but it works in a monadic context.

string :: String -> Parser String
string = mapM char

The lookAhead combinator applies the given parser and returns the result, but does not consume the input from the original stream. It is comparable to peek in network code.

tgLookAhead :: TestTree
tgLookAhead = testGroup "lookAhead"
  [ testParsesAs "does not consume" consumptionTester "a.." ("a..", 'a', "..")
  , testDoesNotParse "propagates failure" (lookAhead $ some item) ""
  , testParsesAs "succeeds on not-eoi" notEoiTester "a.T" ('a', 'a')
    where consumptionTester = do
                                a <- lookAhead $ many item
                                b <- item
                                c <- many item
                                return (a,b,c)
          notEoiTester      = do
                                a  <- lookAhead item
                                a' <- item
                                _  <- many item
                                return (a, a')

lookAhead :: Parser a -> Parser a
lookAhead p = Parser la
  where la s = case parse p s of
                 [(x, _)] -> [(x, s)]
                 _        -> []

The runP combinator is special: Although it lives in the Parser monad and has the ability to consume characters, it has a different scope. It takes a parser and input data (a string) and runs this parser within the failure context of the original monad.

This allows building parsers that modify the input for nested parsers, for example to strip away leading comment indicators in source code. The nested parser tasked with special markup instructions (e.g, bold text or links) does not have to care at all about these comment indicators.

tgRunP :: TestTree
tgRunP = testGroup "runP"
  [ testParsesAs "with empty" (runP item "a") "" 'a'
  , testParsesAs "combination" (do{ a <- runP item "a"; b <- item ; return  (a, b)}) "b" ('a', 'b')
  , testDoesNotParse "incomplete parsing" (runP item "abc") ""
  , testDoesNotParse "no match" (runP (char 'a') "b") ""

runP :: Parser a -> String -> Parser a
runP p s = Parser $ \s' -> case parse p s of
                             [(x, "")] -> [(x, s')]
                             _         -> []

The End-of-Input parser only succeeds when there is no more data to parse, and then parses the empty string. In any other case, it fails. It is helpful in combination with someTill, for example.

eoi :: Parser String
eoi = Parser eoip
  where eoip "" = [("", "")]
        eoip _  = []

This concludes the general parsing functions. The next chapter will use these primitives to build a Markdown parser.

The Markdown Parser

Again, we take a top-down approach. First of all, we define a parser that parser a whole document. A document is a list of snippets, and even the empty list is valid:

document :: Parser Document
document = Document <$> many snippet

A snippet is one of the known snippet types. Each registered type is tried in the following order, and the first to succeed defines the interpretation. In this list, the order matters! The input ## headline can be interpreted as a second-level headline with text 'headline', but it also fulfills all criteria for a paragraph. This parser also takes care of any subsequent empty lines between snippets (they are ignored).

snippet :: Parser Snippet
snippet = oneOf
  [ atxHeadlines
  , setextHeadlines 
  , blockquote
  , list
  , horizontalLine
  , paragraph
  ] >>= ignoreSubsequentEols
    where ignoreSubsequentEols dat = many eol >> return dat

A line-ending is either a newline U+000A (Linux systems), a carriage return U+000D (Macintosh) or a carraiage return followed by newline U+000DU+000A. By testing them in the order below we can make sure to parse all variants.

eol :: Parser String
eol = oneOf $ map string ["\n", "\r\n", "\r"]

There are two different kinds of headlines in Markdown: ATX and setext. ATX headlines are single-line and prefixed with a number of hashes (#). A single hash means a first-level heading, two hashes a second-level heading. Up to six hashes are supported, mapping to the h1 to h6 tags in HTML.

atxHeadlines :: Parser Snippet
atxHeadlines = oneOf [atxHeadline n | n <- [1..6]]

atxHeadline :: Int -> Parser Snippet
atxHeadline level = do
  _ <- string prefix
  _ <- char ' '
  l <- item `someTill` eol
  pl <- runP chunks l
  return $ conv pl
    where prefix = replicate level '#'
          conv   = Headline level

Setext headlines use a line of heading and below that a line of a set of underlining characters. A first-level headline is denoted by equal signs (=) and second-level by dashes (-). A common addition is a third level denoted by tildes (~). The exact number of characters does not matter, as long as it's greater than zero.

setextHeadlines :: Parser Snippet
setextHeadlines = oneOf
  [ setextHeadline '=' 1
  , setextHeadline '-' 2
  , setextHeadline '~' 3

setextHeadline :: Char -> Int -> Parser Snippet
setextHeadline uline level = do
  l <- item `someTill` eol
  _ <- underlining
  Headline level <$> runP chunks l
    where underlining = char uline `someTill` eol

A thematic break is indicated in Markdown by a sequence of dashes, asterisks or underscores (-*_). The character does not matter, but it is not possible to mix them. Spaces are okay anywhere.

horizontalLine :: Parser Snippet
horizontalLine = oneOf [hrWith (char x) | x <- "-*_"] >> return HorizontalLine
  where hrWith c = spaces >> c
                     >> spaces >> c
                     >> spaces >> c
                     >> many (c <|> space)
        spaces   = many space
        space    = char ' '

A blockquote contains a list of snippets, and each line has to be prefixed by a . Inside a blockquote anything is fair game, even other blockquotes.

blockquote :: Parser Snippet
blockquote = some line >>= \ls -> fmap Blockquote $ runP (some snippet) $ unlines ls
    where line = oneOf
            [ string "> " >> (someTill item eol <|> empty)
            , string ">"  >> eol

A list is indicated by asterisks '*' at the beginning of a line. Each line is parsed by itself.

list :: Parser Snippet
list = UnorderedList <$> (some li >>= mapM (runP chunks))
  where li = string "* " >> someTill item eol

A paragraph is simple: It is line after line of text, delimited by an empty line. This is encoded using someTill, requring at least one non-eol character per line.

paragraph :: Parser Snippet
paragraph = lsp >>= parsed
  where lsp       = some $ someTill notEol (eol <|> eoi)
        notEol    = satisfy (\x -> x /= '\r' && x /= '\n')
        parsed ls = fmap Paragraph $ runP chunks $ unwords ls

The next section deals with chunks. In combination they form a hierarchical construct of the text and its formatting. Similar to snippets, the order in the following list matters! Every strong emphasized chunk is an emphasized chunk as well, but not the other way round.

tgChunks :: TestTree
tgChunks = testGroup "chunks"
  [ testParsesAs "plain chunk" chunks "asd" [PlainText "asd"]
  , testParsesAs "single char" chunks "."[PlainText "."]
  , testParsesAs "chunk with emphasis" chunks "asd *dsa*" [PlainText "asd ", EmphasisChunk [PlainText "dsa"]]
  , testParsesAs "chunk with code" chunks "asd `code`" [PlainText "asd ", CodeChunk "code"]

This parser delegates to the actual chunk parsers:

chunks :: Parser [Chunk]
chunks = some $ oneOf
  [ strongEmphasizedChunk
  , emphasizedChunk
  , codeChunk
  , linkChunk
  , plainChunk

This function is rather difficult to understand. It parses a chunk delimited by the first parameter, and transforms characters in between if there is a second occurrence of the delimiter. Otherwise, the delimiter is just returned with the rest of the data as a plain text. The second case happens when an emphasized chunk is not properly closed (intentional or not).

bounded :: Parser String -> (String -> Parser Chunk) -> Parser Chunk
bounded b = bounded2 b b

bounded2 :: Parser String -> Parser String -> (String -> Parser Chunk) -> Parser Chunk
bounded2 b1 b2 onSuccess = b1 >>=
  \ld -> item `someTill` lookAhead (b2 <|> eoi) >>=
    \dat -> (b2 >> onSuccess dat) <|>
      return (PlainText (ld ++ dat))

Emphasis chunks are delimited using asterisk or dashes, strongly emphasized chunks with these characters twice.

emphasisBoundary :: Parser String
emphasisBoundary = oneOf [string "*", string "_"]

strongEmphasisBoundary :: Parser String
strongEmphasisBoundary = oneOf [string "**", string "__"]

emphasizedChunk :: Parser Chunk
emphasizedChunk = bounded emphasisBoundary (\dat -> EmphasisChunk <$> runP chunks dat)

strongEmphasizedChunk :: Parser Chunk
strongEmphasizedChunk = bounded strongEmphasisBoundary (\dat -> StrongEmphasisChunk <$> runP chunks dat)

Inline code is delimited by backticks andd contains only plain text.

codeChunk :: Parser Chunk
codeChunk = fmap CodeChunk $ codeDelimiter >> item `someTill` codeDelimiter

codeDelimiter :: Parser String
codeDelimiter = string "`"

Links have two components: The text and the href. The text is enclosed in [], the href in (). Inside the text other formatting instructions are allowed.

linkChunk :: Parser Chunk
linkChunk = bounded2 (string "[") (string "]") oSText
  where oSText txt = runP chunks txt >>= hrefP
        hrefP txtC = bounded2 (string "(") (string ")") osH
          where osH h = return $ LinkChunk txtC h

linkDelimiter :: Parser String
linkDelimiter = string "["

A plain chunk is text until either the input is consumed or one of the boundaries occurs.

plainChunk :: Parser Chunk
plainChunk = PlainText <$> chk
  where chk = someTill item eoc
        eoc = eoi <|> lookAhead (oneOf [emphasisBoundary, strongEmphasisBoundary, codeDelimiter, linkDelimiter])

The HTML Emitter

This part is simple. We only need to define what emitting HTML means, and then define concrete code for each supported Snippet and Chunk. Each emittable data structure shall be an instance of Hypertextable:

class Hypertextable x where
  showHTML :: x -> String

The first data structure we instantiate is Document. It transforms all its snippets into HTML and concatenates them. For readability an newline character \n is added, although this is not technically needed:

instance Hypertextable Document where
  showHTML (Document snippets) = concatMap ((++ "\n") . showHTML) snippets

The different snippets and chunks use a common way to render: They surround something with HTML tags. This helper method provides an abstract way for this:

surroundedByTag :: String -> String -> String
surroundedByTag tagName s = openTag ++ s ++ closingTag
  where tag t      = "<" ++ t ++ ">"
        openTag    = tag tagName
        closingTag = tag ( '/' : tagName)

showHTMLChunks :: [Chunk] -> String
showHTMLChunks = concatMap showHTML

instance Hypertextable Chunk where
  showHTML (PlainText chk)   = chk
  showHTML (EmphasisChunk chk) = surroundedByTag "em" $ showHTMLChunks chk
  showHTML (StrongEmphasisChunk chk)   = surroundedByTag "strong" $ showHTMLChunks chk
  showHTML (CodeChunk str)   = surroundedByTag "code" str
  showHTML (LinkChunk chk href) = "<a href=\"" ++ href ++ "\">" ++ showHTMLChunks chk ++ "</a>"

This function is easiliy testable:

tgShowHTMLChunks :: TestTree
tgShowHTMLChunks = testGroup "showHTML Chunks"
  [ SC.testProperty "plain" (\s -> showHTML (PlainText s) == s)
  , SC.testProperty "emphasis" (\s -> showHTML (EmphasisChunk [PlainText s]) == "<em>" ++ s ++ "</em>")
  , SC.testProperty "strong" (\s -> showHTML (StrongEmphasisChunk [PlainText s]) == "<strong>" ++ s ++ "</strong>")
  , testCase "nested" (showHTML (
        [ PlainText "hello"
        , EmphasisChunk
            [ StrongEmphasisChunk [PlainText "world"]
        , PlainText "!"
      @?= "<strong>hello<em><strong>world</strong></em>!</strong>")

instance Hypertextable Snippet where
  showHTML (Paragraph chks) = surroundedByTag "p" (showHTMLChunks chks)
  showHTML (Headline n chks) = surroundedByTag ('h' : show n) $ showHTMLChunks chks
  showHTML (Blockquote snips) = "<blockquote>\n" ++  contents ++ "</blockquote>"
    where contents = concatMap ((++"\n") . showHTML) snips
  showHTML (UnorderedList lis) = surroundedByTag "ul" contents
    where contents = concatMap (surroundedByTag "li" . showHTMLChunks) lis
  showHTML HorizontalLine    = "<hr />"

Let's add some tests for the correct emission:

tgShowHTMLSnippets :: TestTree
tgShowHTMLSnippets = testGroup "showHTML Snippets"
  [ testCase "p" $ "<p>hello</p>" @=? showHTML (Paragraph [PlainText "hello"])
  , testCase "h1" $ "<h1>hello</h1>" @=? showHTML (Headline 1 [PlainText "hello"])
  , testCase "h2" $ "<h2>hello</h2>" @=? showHTML (Headline 2 [PlainText "hello"])
  , testCase "blockquote" $ "<blockquote>\n<p>hello</p>\n</blockquote>" @=? showHTML (Blockquote [Paragraph [PlainText "hello"]])
  , testCase "ul" $ "<ul><li>hello</li><li>world</li></ul>" @=? showHTML (UnorderedList [[PlainText "hello"], [PlainText "world"]])

The Main Program

The harky function parses the given document and either returns an error or an HTML representation.

harky :: String -> Either String C.ByteString
harky src = do
  res <- runParser document src
  return $ C.pack $ showHTML res

When running the main function, i.e. when this program is executed, data on standard input is parsed and emitted on standard out.

main ::IO ()
main = getContents >>= either fail return . harky >>= C.putStr

In this program we have shown how straightforward the implementation of a general parser library in Haskell is, and used this embedded library as an DSL to build a Markdown parser and HTML emitter. From here on it is easy to continue. Possible next steps are the introduction of more features from Markdown, for example idented and fenced code blocks.


There is a set of 'golden files' that is used to test the parser. Each of the test cases provides a fixture and a result file. The fixtures reside in a .md, while the golden results are stored in .html. These test cases are part of the test suite like so:

goldenTests :: IO TestTree
goldenTests = do
  fixtures <- GC.findByExtension [".md"] "tests"
  tests <- mapM testFixture fixtures
  return $ testGroup "Fixture files" tests
    where testFixture n = do
            fixture <- readFile n
            let goldenF = stripped n ++ ".html"
            let actual = either fail return $ harky fixture
            return $ GC.goldenVsStringDiff n df goldenF actual
          stripped = reverse . drop 3 . reverse
          df ref new = ["diff", "-u", ref, new]

This command runs the tests:

testMain :: IO ()
testMain = do
  gT <- goldenTests
  defaultMain $ testGroup "Harky"
    [ tgItem
    , tgAlternative
    , tgSomeMany
    , tgSatisfy
    , tgSomeTill
    , tgOneOf
    , tgChar
    , tgString
    , tgLookAhead
    , tgRunP
    , tgChunks
    , tgShowHTMLSnippets
    , tgShowHTMLChunks
    , gT

Additionally, we made use of some helpers above. As they do not need introductory prosa, we just put them down here:

testDoesNotParse :: String -> Parser a -> String -> TestTree
testDoesNotParse name p c = testCase name assertion
  where assertion = isLeft (runParser p c) @? "Unexpected success"

testParsesAs :: (Eq a, Show a) => String -> Parser a -> String -> a -> TestTree
testParsesAs name p c expected = testCase name assertion
  where assertion = runParser p c @?= Right expected